549Current status and future research directions in the development and application of Immersed Boundary Methods


17 June 2013 – 19 June 2013


The Netherlands


Dr. ir. W.P. Breugem
University of Technology Delft
Laboratory for Aero and Hydrodynamics
Leeghwaterstraat 21
2628CA Delft, 
The Netherlands

phone/fax: +31-15-2788663/2947
email: w.p.breugem@tudelft.nl


 Prof. Roberto Verzicco
Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica
Via del Politecnico 1
Roma 00133

phone/fax: +390672597170/+39062021351
email: verzicco@uniroma2.it




So-called Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM) are gaining an ever increasing popularity in
the CFD community. In these methods, an obstacle is represented on a non-conforming
grid, often by adding extra momentum sources in the momentum equations. Ease of
application and economy in use are reasons for using these methods.

This colloquium is a follow-up of the very successful colloquium 507 on Immersed Boundaries in 2009.
Many open problems were observed at this colloquium, and many exciting developments have taken place since, for instance with respect to the application of IBM with higher order numerical methods, the application to ever larger scale problems, problems which require a very careful treatment of the boundaries, such as acoustic problems, and the so-called grid-locking problem which is experienced by solid bodies moving moving over a fixed grid.
This colloquium aims to address the new developments and applications since the last colloquium.