EMMC13MÉCAMAT, 13th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - ICMM3


8 September 2013 – 11 September 2013


Warsaw, Poland


Prof. P. Dłużewski
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences

Email: icmm3@ippt.gov.pl





A joint EUROMECH (Prof. Marc Geers)-EUCASS (Prof. Tasadduq Khan)-ECCOMASS (Tadeusz Burczynski) session  on "Aeronautic Materials" will be organized during the Conference.

This is made possible thanks to the European Project E-CAero "EUROPEAN COLLABORATIVE OF AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS" (www.e-caero.com)



During the last decades material modelling has become a field of central scientific importance. Although there exist many workshops, meetings, colloquia, etc. on specific materials, and particular applications, here a single conference dedicated to material modelling with all its various facets is intended. To this end, the aim of the ICMM conference is to bring together researchers from the various fields of material modelling and materials characterization. The intention here is to cover essentially all aspects of material modelling. This will provide the opportunity for interaction among and exchange between scientists working in different subareas of material mechanics who otherwise would not come into contact with each other.

This conference is the third in the ICMM series. The first ICMM took place in 2009 in Dortmund, Germany; the second in 2011 in Paris, France.