Regulations and Call for Fellow Nominations

The EUROMECH - European Mechanics Society Council has the pleasure to announce the introduction of the category of EUROMECH Fellow, starting in 2006.

The status of Fellow of EUROMECH, the European Mechanics Society, is awarded on the occasions of Fluid and Solid conferences to members of the Mechanics community who have contributed significantly to the advancement of mechanics and related fields. This may be through their original research and publications, or their innovative contributions in the application of mechanics and technological developments, or through distinguished contribution to the discipline in other ways.

Election to the status of Fellow of EUROMECH, Fluid or Solid, will take place the year before the appropriate EUROMECH Conference, European Fluid Dynamics Conference (EFDC) or European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC), and is limited in total (fluids and solids together) to no more than 0,5% of the actual members of the Society at the time of awarding. .

Nomination guidelines:

A nomination may be submitted by any member of the EUROMECH Society, hereafter called the nominator. Eligible candidates should be members of EUROMECH and have undertaken a significant proportion of their scientific career in Europe. Self-nominations cannot be accepted.

The nomination follows a two-step procedure:

  1. in the first step, the nominator sends an email to the chairperson of the relevant Fellowship committee, specifying the name and affiliation of the nominee, followed by 10 to 15 lines of text in which she/he explains why and for which achievements the nominee deserves in her/his view to become a EUROMECH Fellow.
  2. the committee examines all nomination letters received by the deadline and establishes a short list gathering the strongest nominations. Nominators whose nominee is retained on this list are contacted by the committee chair and are invited to submit a formal nomination package. This package should include the following items:
  • a presentation letter signed by the nominator and co-signed by the three co-nominators, summarizing the contributions and achievements of the nominee in support of his/her nomination as Fellow (the form can be downloaded at
  • a curriculum vitae of the nominee;
  • a selection of the nominee's most significant publications (20 publications maximum);
  • a suggested citation to appear on the Fellowship certificate (30 words maximum);
  • a supporting paragraph enlarging on the citation, indicating the originality and significance of the contributions cited (limit 250 words).

All documents should be written (or translated) in English. 

Nomination Process:

The Fellows are selected the year before the respective EFDC and ESMC. Nominations need to be sent to the Chair of the Fellowship Committee with a copy to the President and to the Secretary General of EUROMECH before 30 September of year N-1, if N is the year of the EFDC or ESMC. Nominations remain active for two selection campaigns. Nominations are reviewed before the end of year N-1 by the relevant EUROMECH Prize Committee and recipients are selected from the nominations. The final decision is made by the EUROMECH Council.


Members of the EUROMECH Council and of the Prize committees are not eligible for EUROMECH awards and cannot act as nominators. The nominators or support letter writers should disclose the nature of their professional relationship with the nominee.

Fellow Committees

For each prize, a Prize and Fellowship Committee, with a Chair and five additional members is appointed by the EUROMECH Council for a period of two rounds, that is four years for the Fluid Mechanics Fellowships and six years for the Solids Mechanics Fellowship. The Chair and the five additional members may be re-appointed once

The members of the Fluid Mechanics Prize and Fellow Committee are:

  • Alessandro Bottaro (Chair)
  • Jens H. M. Fransson
  • Carlos Martinez-Bazan
  • Fernando Tavares de Pinho
  • Christian Wagner
  • Sarah Waters


The members of the Solid Mechanics Prize and Fellow Committee are: 
  • Anna Pandolfi (chair)
  • Katrin Ellermann
  • Norman Fleck
  • Christian Niordson
  • Paul Steinmann
  • Erik Van der Giessen

Chairperson's Addresses

Prof. Alessandro Bottaro
(Chair, Fluids)
Università di Genova
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale
Via Montallegro 1
16145 Genova

Prof. Anna Pandolfi
(Chair, Solids)
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza L. Da Vinci, 32
20133, Milan

Prof. Marc Geers (President)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Prof. Jacques Magnaudet (Secretary General)
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
Allée du Professeur Camille Soula
31400 Toulouse