Solid Mechanics Prizes

Professor Vikram Deshpande

For his seminal contributions in mechanics of materials, ranging from the design of micro-architectured materials to modelling soft and active materials by a combination of novel experiments and theoretical insights.

Engineering Department
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1PZ
United Kingdom


Prize awarded at: 12th European Solid Mechanics Conference 7 – 11 July 2025

Professor Gerhard A. Holzapfel

For pioneering transformative and seminal advances in the mathematical and computational biomechanical modelling of the nonlinear solid mechanics of several soft biological tissues, especially artery and heart tissues.

Graz University of Technology
Institute of Biomechanics
Stremayrgasse 16/2
8010 Graz


Prize awarded at: 12th European Solid Mechanics Conference 7 – 11 July 2025

Professor Jean-Jacques Marigo

For his outstanding contributions to the rational analysis of deformable solids and structures, in particular to the variational modelling of dissipative evolution, resulting in novel and powerful approaches to damage and fracture.

Ecole Polytechnique
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides
F-91120 Palaiseau


Prize awarded at: 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference 4 – 8 July 2022

Erik van der Giessen

For his seminal contributions in a wide range of multi-scale mechanics topics, including metal plasticity, polymer science and engineering, cell biomaterials as well as adhesion.

University of Groningen
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands


Prize awarded at: 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference 2 – 6 July 2018

Norman A. Fleck

In recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions to a wide range of topics in solid mechanics, including in particular micromechanics, where he has been dealing with the development of physically based models of deformation and fracture of engineering materials by a combination of experiment, theory and numerical analysis, thereby amalgamating scientific insights and practical application.

Cambridge University Engineering Department
Trumpington Street
Cambridge, CB2 1PZ


Prize awarded at: 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference 6 – 10 July 2015

Pierre Ladevèze

In recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions to the mathematical and computational aspects of a broad range of topics in solid mechanics, including the verification and validation of computer models for nonlinear dynamic systems, the modeling of damage in composite material structures with direct application to aeronautic and space structures, computational multi-scale methods, high performance computing and simplified methods for industrial applications.

L.M.T. Cachan
61 Avenue du Président Wilson
94235 Cachan Cedex


Prize awarded at: 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference 6 – 10 July 2015

John R. Willis

Prof. John Willis has been awarded the EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Prize for his outstanding scientific contributions to the mathematical aspects of a very wide range of phenomena in solid mechanics, including the effective properties of non-linear composites, bounding methods, elasto-dynamic fracture, dislocation theory, size effects in plasticity and homogenisation theory, and for his unique ability to work on practical problems by generating new mathematical foundations.

University of Cambridge
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP)
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Wilberforce Road
Cambridge, CB3 0WA


Prize awarded at: 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference 9 – 13 July 2012

Viggo Tvergaard

For his outstanding contributions to a broad spectrum of Solid Mechanics in particular for his fundamental research on stability of structures, plastic flow localization and shear bending, ductile fracture and creep rupture and for taking physically based analyses of ductile fracture from an academic discipline to an engineering design tool supported by computational methods.

Technical University of Denmark
Nils Koppels Allé
Building 404, room 132
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Prize awarded at: 7th European Solid Mechanics Conference 7 – 11 September 2009

Werner Schiehlen

Prof. Werner Schiehlen has been awarded the EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Prize for his outstanding scientific contributions in a broad spectrum of Solid Mechanics; in particular for his work in Technical Dynamics, including Linear and Nonlinear Deterministic and Random Vibrations, Multibody System Dynamics in general, and Satellite as well as Vehicle Dynamics as special fields.

Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart


Prize awarded at: 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference 28 August – 1 September 2006

Franz Ziegler

For his outstanding contributions at the very frontier of research in a remarkably broad spectrum of solid mechanics; in particular for his work in wave propagation in layered and random media, vibrations of structures, and stochastic dynamic processes; furthermore for the impact of his research on multifield problems including interactions between thermal, piezoelectric and mechanical fields, as well as fluid-structure interaction problems, and for his ingenious and outstanding results of lasting importance in engineering mechanics, e.g., in earthquake engineering and geomechanics.

Institut für Hochbau und Technologie
Technische Universität Wien
Karlsplatz 13 / E2063
1040 Wien


Prize awarded at: 5th European Solid Mechanics Conference 17 – 22 August 2003