Bruno Eckhardt Obituary

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of Bruno Eckhardt on August 7, 2019.





With deep sadness, we have to announce that Bruno Eckhardt passed away on August 7 from complications after a surgery. Bruno was a nonlinear  physicist by training, who has made major contribution in chaotic dynamics, especially in quantum chaos and chaotic biological systems. For more than twenty years, he applied the ideas of chaotic dynamics to the transition to turbulence in shear flows, where he was recognized as a world leader. In particular he promoted the concept of « edge state » to unravel the transition mechanisms. He was extremely committed to the international scientific community in the broadest sense. Beyond his scientific achievements and involvement, he was a talented gentleman, whose intellectual centres of interest went well beyond science. He was elected a EUROMECH Fellow in 2006.