
Name and Seat - Article I

"EUROMECH - European Mechanics Society", hereinafter called "the Society", is an international non-governmental non-profit scientific organization. The legal seat of the Society is the place of residence of the Secretary General.

Objective - Article II

The objective of the Society is to engage in all activities intended to promote in Europe the development of mechanics as a branch of science and engineering. Mechanics deals with motion, flow and deformation of matter, be it fluid or solid, under the action of applied forces, and with any associated phenomena.

Activities within the field of mechanics range from fundamental research on the behaviour of fluids and solids to applied research in engineering. The approaches used comprise theoretical, analytical, computational and experimental methods.

The Society shall be guided by the tradition of free international scientific co-operation developed in EUROMECH Colloquia.

In particular, the Society will pursue this objective through

the organization of European meetings for subjects within the entire field of mechanics;
the establishment of links between persons and organizations engaged in scientific work in mechanics and in related sciences;
the gathering and dissemination of information on all matters related to mechanics;
the development of standards for education in mechanics and in related sciences.
The Society will concentrate on activities which transcend national boundaries, and will seek to complement national activities.

The Society shall observe the basic policy of nondiscrimination, and shall affirm the rights of scientists throughout the world to adhere to, or associate with, international scientific activities without regard to race, religion, political philosophy, ethnic origin, citizenship, language or sex.


Article III

Membership in the Society is available in three categories:
individual membership,
joint membership,
institutional membership.
Membership under Category I is available to an individual scientist on the basis of educational qualification or professional experience, and current activity or interest in mechanics.

Membership under Category II is available to members of Affiliated Organizations, subject to qualification or experience, and activity in mechanics, as for Category I.

Membership under Category III is available to institutions or groups with interests in mechanics, such as, but not limited to, departments of higher education establishments, commercial enterprises or simply informal groups of scientists. Membership under Category III comprises one single membership.

Applications for membership shall provide details of educational qualification or professional experience, and current activity or interest in mechanics. Each application shall be supported by two members of the Society and shall be approved by the Council. Applications for joint membership must be submitted via the Affiliated Organization (Article XI).

Article IV

Each member has voting rights in the Society, receives regularly information on the activities of the Society through a Newsletter, and pays an annual subscription to the Society in accordance with Article XIII. Membership terminates when a member leaves or is expelled from the Society. If a member has not paid fees for two consecutive years, the membership of that person shall be deemed to have lapsed. Notice of termination of membership will be effective at the end of the calendar year and must be received by the Society at least two months before the end of the year.


Article V

The Council is the governing body of the Society. On specific questions the Council may delegate its power to appropriate bodies of the Society.

The composition of the Council is regulated in Article VI. An ordinary meeting of the Council shall be convened by the President once in each calendar year. Extraordinary meetings shall be convened by the President of the Society on written request of at least seven members of the Council, or on the initiative of the President himself/herself.

Article VI

The Council is composed of ten members elected by the members of the Society from a field of candidates proposed by the Advisory Board. These candidates shall themselves be members of the Society;
the Vice-President;
the chairpersons of certain major standing committees as invited on an annual basis by the Council.
The regular term of an elected member, other than an officer (Article VIII), shall be six years without immediate re-election.
In addition to members and invited representatives as specified in i) - iii) above, up to three persons may be co-opted. The regular term of a co-opted member shall be one year. Up to three consecutive co-opted terms shall be permitted and these may precede or follow, but not both, a regular term as an elected member.

Advisory Board

Article VII

The Advisory Board shall comprise
the President of the Society;
up to twelve members, who themselves must be members of the Society, appointed by Affiliated Organizations, each Affiliated Organization representing on a national or transnational basis a substantial number of scientists active in mechanics;
up to twelve members of the Society who are not members of the Council, appointed by the Council.
Each member of the Advisory Board in Categories ii) and iii) above is appointed for a single term of six years, with no immediate re-appointment.

The Advisory Board shall prepare, in due time and with careful scrutiny, a field of candidates for each Council vacancy, and in so doing, shall at all times then provide for an adequate geographical and subject-related representation on the Council.

The Advisory Board shall also bring forward, for consideration by the Council, matters and issues relating to any topic within the scope of activities of the Society.

Executive Committee and Officers

Article VIII

To execute the decisions of the Council and to carry out work between meetings, the Council shall elect each year from among its members, Officers of the Society who form an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consists of four Officers: President; the past President who serves as Vice-President; Secretary General; and Treasurer. Newly elected Officers of the Society enter into office on 1 January following the Council meeting at which they were elected.

The Secretary General will provide during the time of his office a centre for all matters affecting the Society, including relations with members, and with affiliated and other organizations.

The Executive Committee is authorized to appoint Assistant-Treasurers in those countries where the Society has a bank account. The Assistant-Treasurers must be members of the Society.

The Executive Committee shall make a budget for each coming year, and shall administer the finances. The Treasurer shall submit an annual financial report, approved by the Council, to all members of the Society.

The Vice-President shall normally fulfil the duties of the President should the President be unable to discharge them.

Between meetings of the Council the Executive Committee shall decide who shall undertake the duties of the Vice-president, the Secretary General, or the Treasurer, should a temporary replacement be necessary.

Standing Committees

Article IX

The Council establishes Standing Committees which are responsible for the organization at regular intervals of EUROMECH Colloquia, and of EUROMECH Conferences.

The members of these Committees must be members of the Society, shall be appointed by the Council as scientists active in mechanics, and do not need to be members of the Council; the rules of procedure of these Committees, and of such other Standing Committees as the Council shall from time to time establish, shall be laid down by the Council.

The chairpersons of certain of these Standing Committees shall be invited members of the Council, asdetermined from time to time by the Council (Article VI).


Article X

In voting, each individual, institutional and joint member of the Society shall have one vote. For any alteration of the Statutes, the necessary majority shall be two thirds of the valid votes cast. For all other decisions determined by voting of the members, a simple majority of the valid votes is required. In elections of council members, the persons elected shall be those for whom the largest numbers of valid votes have been cast.

Voting will be carried out by correspondence upon proposals made by the Advisory Board (Article VII) or the Council (Article VI). A decision is valid if the number of valid votes cast exceeds one third of the total number of members of the Society. If the number of valid votes cast does not exceed one third of the total number of members of the Society, a second vote will take place without restriction on the number of valid votes.

Affiliated Organizations

Article XI

An organization representing on a national or transnational basis a significant number of scientists within the European mechanics community may be recognized by the Council as an Affiliated Organization of the Society.

Each Affiliated Organization cooperates with the Society on all matters of mutual interest. Affiliated Organizations take charge of some administrative tasks of the Society, including in particular the collection of subscriptions for the Society from their joint members and the dissemination of Newsletters of the Society to their joint members.

In organizing European scientific meetings the Society and the Affiliated Organizations are obliged to consider carefully all measures taken by both of them in order to coordinate such European meetings.


Article XII

The financial means of the Society are formed by

the annual subscriptions of the members;
annual contributions from Affiliated Organizations;
gifts and grants;
contributions from EUROMECH meetings;
any other resources compatible with the non-profit-making status of the Society.

Article XIII

The amount of the annual subscription to be paid by the members shall be regulated according to one of the following categories, after approval by the Council.

Category Membership Units of annual subscription
I Individual 3
II Joint 2
III Institutional 6

Changes in the amount of the unit annual subscription shall be decided by the Council not less than one year in advance.

General Provisions

Article XIV

The Council may, subject to the General Provisions of the Statutes, enact any Bye-law it deems necessary to achieve the objectives and govern the activities of the Society. Such a Bye-law shall be established or amended on a simple majority of votes cast by the Council members in Categories i) and ii) of Article VI either by ballot or by postal ballot.

The procedure for the dissolution of the Society is the same as for alterations of the Statutes. The Council shall determine the manner of disposal of the property of the Society.

These Bye-laws become effective upon approval by the Council, in accordance with Article XIV of the Statutes.

Elections of the members of the Council will take place every three years.

Affiliated Organizations
The following regions of Europe are considered to domicile a significant number of scientists within the European mechanics community:

United Kingdom, Ireland
Benelux Countries
Spain, Portugal
Nordic and Baltic countries
Germany, Switzerland, Austria
Central Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary)
Eastern Europe (Byelorussia, Ukraine, Georgia)
Southern Europe and Balkan countries

In general, one member of the Advisory Board in Category ii) will be appointed by the Affiliated Organizations in each of these regions, each appointment to be subject to the agreement of the Affiliated Organizations in the region concerned. If no such agreement can be reached, the Council will decide the appointment on the basis of proposals made by the Affiliated Organizations of that region.
The Chairperson of each EUROMECH Colloquium or EUROMECH Conference shall levy a fee for administrative expenses of the Society from each participant who is not a member of the Society in Category I or Category II. The amount of this fee shall be four units of the annual subscription (Article XIII) for each participant and shall be paid over to the Society within one month after the Colloquium or Conference.

The annual contributions of Affiliated Organizations shall be determined by negotiations between the Council and the Affiliated Organizations.

Each institutional member of the Society (Category III) is entitled to receive two vouchers every year, each voucher good for a reduced registration fee at one EUROMECH Colloquium or Conference.

To specify the meaning of the Statutes of EUROMECH Society the Council decided to provide the following Commentaries to Statutes.

Commentary 1.
The composition of the Council is specified as follows:

Article VI
The Council is composed of

ten members elected by the members of the Society from a field of candidates proposed by the Advisory Board. These candidates shall themselves be members of the Society;
the past President who serves as Vice-President;
the chairpersons of certain major standing committees as invited on an annual basis by the Council.
Commentary 2.
The election of the Officers and the composition of the Executive Committee are specified as follows:

Article VIII
To execute the decisions of the Council and to carry out work between meetings, the Council shall elect each year from among its members, the President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer. The Executive Committee consists of four Officers: President; Vice-President; Secretary General; and Treasurer. Newly elected Officers of the Society enter into office on 1 January following the Council meeting at which they were elected.

EUROMECH Council meeting, 11 April 2003, Genoa, Italy