433 – Dynamics of Trailing Vortices
21 March 2002 – 22 March 2002
Aachen, Germany
Prof. Wolfgang Schröder
Aerodynamisches Institut, RWTH Aachen
Wüllnerstr. zw. 5 u. 7, D-52062 Aachen, Germany
E-mail: office@aia.rwth-aachen.de
Prof. Dieter Jacob
RWTH, Aachen, Germany
Euromech contact person: Prof. Hans-H. Fernholz
The colloquium will focus on recent and current research and developments made in the area of dynamics of trailing vortices. Practical applications and fundamental analyses will be discussed. Contributions concerning the formation and merging of vortices, their motion and temporal behaviour, the interaction with various flow phenomena, such as jets and shocks, and atmospheric and ground effects are expected. Furthermore, studies addressing multidisciplinary topics are also welcome. The topics include the aero-acoustic noise generated by wing-tip vortices and flap side-edge vortices or vortex-structure interactions, and studies of fundamental mechanisms, such as vortex breakdown. Developments of numerical as well as theoretical methods and measurement techniques to investigate near and far field vortices and results obtained using various experimental tools, e.g. wind tunnel tests, flight tests, should be presented. Additionally, papers identifying the industrial requirements for prediction methods of trailing vortices should be submitted. Although it is expected that the majority of contributions will be directed at aircraft aerodynamics, papers dealing with trailing vortices in biofluid mechanics, building and vehicle aerodynamics are also desired.