After a Colloquium

A few important tasks remain to be carried out by the Chairperson for the Secretary General and the Treasurer respectively, within one month of the end of the Colloquium:
  • A brief report on the Colloquium should be prepared for the EUROMECH Council using the online report available in the private area of each Colloquium Website. The emphasis should be more on science than social arrangements. The scientific part of this report will be published in the EUROMECH Newsletter. The report should include information on the scientific developments discussed at the Colloquium, the numbers of participants from different countries, the financial arrangements and any opinions or suggestions for the future. A complete set of the documents prepared for the Colloquium participants should be sent with the Final Report (please send it as a Word document by email) to the Secretary General.


  • A list of all participants, indicating members and non-members, together with a statement of the total of EUROMECH components of the registration fee (€30 per person) collected from non-members and the non-member registration forms, should be sent to the Treasurer. Please note that the list of participants is automatically available on the private area of your Colloquium website.
    Payment of this total should made by credit transfer to the EUROMECH bank account, designated below, quoting the Colloquium number.

Please remeber that the second instalment of EUROMECH grant is transferred only after the Colloquium report and the list of newly registered members have been received.