435Simulation of Friction and Wear in Metal Forming


18 June 2002 – 20 June 2002


Valenciennes, France


Prof. Jérôme Oudin
Industrial and Human Automatic Control and Mechanical Engineering Le Mont Houy, University of Valenciennes
F-59313 Valenciennes Cedex 9, France
E-mail: euromech435@univ-valenciennes.fr

Prof. Serge Cescotto
University of Liege, Liege, France

Euromech contact person: Prof. Jean Lemaitre

The success of forging processes can be enhanced by the use of reliable finite element simulations. On the one hand, mastering of contact algorithms is required to improve the finite element code accuracy. On the other hand, the bulk behavior laws of coatings and lubricants have to be identified in order to refine computations in the near contact zone. Therefore, specific methodologies – using experimental and numerical approaches – can be developed to quantify the friction and wear, and to optimize the forging process.
The colloquium will consider specific simulations of forming processes with friction and contact conditions related to new experiments and testing apparatus. This includes:
• the improvement of contact algorithms,
• the numerical identification of bulk behaviour of lubricants and coatings,
• the numerical characterisation of friction and wear.
• influences of coating and lubrication on the success of the forming process.