444Critical Review of the Theories of Plates and Shells and New Applications


22 September 2002 – 25 September 2002


Bremen, Germany


Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Kienzler
University of Bremen
IW3, P.O. Box 330440,
D-28334, Bremen, Germany
E-mail: rkienzler@uni-bremen.de

Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Altenbach
Martin Luther Universitaet,
Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Euromech Contact Person: Prof. W. Schiehlen

The foundations of the theory of plates and shells have been developed using various completely different and, at first glance, independent approaches:
a priori hypothesis concerning the states of stress and/or strain, kinematic assumptions, mathematical techniques (power series, asymptotic methods, special functions, etc.) and the so-called direct approach. Although all theories proposed have their origin in the underlying three-dimensional theory of continuum mechanics, a comprehensive assessment of the approaches and the balancing of advantages against disadvantages of a theory in consideration of new application fields is quite difficult.
Several improvements have been suggested, with respect to new application fields. The use of composites yields a new branch of plate theory. Other developments are related to piezoelectric materials (sensors, activators), thermal loading conditions and plates made of foams. Based on the governing equations of the numerous theories, numerical methods (the finite element method, the finite difference method, the boundary element method) have been developed and applied to problems of practical importance in mechanical and civil engineering. In addition, experimental techniques have been matured to examine the theoretical predictions.
The aim of the proposed EUROMECH Colloquium is to bring together specialists in the theory of plates and shells, to review the common origins of the different theories and approaches. The advantages and limits of the various concepts and the consequences for practical applications will be considered.
A major part of the meeting, however, will be devoted to the challenges for plate and shell theories in new application fields, in particular inelastic material behaviour, damage, non-stationary thermal loading, non-mechanical effects and laminate structures.