481Recent Advances in the Theory and application of surface and edge waves


11 June 2007 – 14 June 2007


Keele University, UK


Prof. Yibin Fu 
School of Computing and Mathematics
Keele University
Staffordshire, ST5 5BG

phone: +44 01782 583650
fax: +44 01782 584268 
email: y.fu@keele.ac.uk 


Prof. Julius Kaplunov
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Brunel University


Surface and edge wave study is one of the most exciting research directions in linear and nonlinear elasticity: while it is an interesting mathematical subject on its own, it also has important applications ranging from non-destructive evaluation, seismology to signal processing. The previous EUROMECH (no. 226) devoted to acoustic surface waves was held almost twenty years ago in 1987 (organized by Professors D.F. Parker and G.A. Maugin), and since then many theoretical and technological advances have been made. It is hoped that this Euromech will again bring together researchers from different background in order to review recent developments and to identify new directions of research. This will also be the first conference in which surface and edge waves are given equal prominence. Topics to be discussed include, but not restricted to:

  • Fundamental theories of surface wave propagation in elastic, piezoelectric or magnetoelastic media, linear and nonlinear aspects, effects of prestress etc.
  • Fundamental theories of edge wave propagation in plates and shells, including the phenomenon of edge resonance and related topics.
  • Applications in defects detection, non-destructive evaluation, signal processing, and material and prestress characterization.
  • Novel interpretations and applications of the Stroh formulism.