518Biomechanics of the Eye


26 July 2010 – 28 July 2010


Imperial College, London, UK


Dr. Jennifer Siggers
Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ

phone: +44 (0)20 7594 3663
fax: +44 (0)20 7594 9817
email: j.siggers@imperial.ac.uk


Dr. Rodolfo Repetto
Department of Engineering of Structures
Water and Soil, University of L'Aquila
Monteluco di Roio
67040, L'Aquila

phone: +39 0862 434545
fax: +39 0862 434548
email: rodolfo.repetto@univaq.it

Biomechanics play an important role in the functioning of the eye, in both health and disease. The eye is a complex organ with its own fluid production and drainage mechanism, internal vascular system and internal and external musculature. The importance of this research area is evident from the large number of researchers worldwide, and also demonstrated by the existence of Ocular Mechanics sessions that have run for several years at the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference and the Ocular Biomechanics Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2008.