526Patterns in soft magnetic matter


21 March 2011 – 23 March 2011


Dresden, Germany


Dr. Adrian Lange
Chair Magnetofluiddynamik
Institute of Fluid Mechanics
TU Dresden
D-01062 Dresden

email: adrian.lange@tu-dresden.de


 Dr. Sofia Kantorovich

The Euromech colloquium is devoted to the most recent development and research into pattern formation in soft magnetic matter in Europe. This covers all classical areas of soft magnetic matter as

  • surface instabilities of soft magnetic matter,
  • patterns and instabilities of elastic magnetic matter,
  • patterns and bulk instabilities of magnetic fluids,
  • patterns and flow instabilities of magnetorheological fluids.

It is the goal of the colloquium to discuss the highlights in the development of the research field achieved in the last two or three years.