538Physics of Sports


3 April 2012 – 6 April 2012


Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France


Prof. Christophe Clanet
Laboratoire d'Hydrodynamique (LadHyX)
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau cedex, France 

fax: +33 (0)1 69 33 52 92 
email: christophe.clanet@ladhyx.polytechnique.fr


 Prof. Metin Tolan
TU Dortmund 
Fakultät Physik & DELTA 
Experimentelle Physik I 
Otto-Hahn-Straße 4 
D-44221 Dortmund 

phone: +49-(0)231-755-3505/3506 
fax : +49-(0)231-755-3657 
email: metin.tolan@tu-dortmund.de

 Physics consists in identifying repeatable sequences in our environment and finding the simplest underlying laws. In this colloquium, the environment is Sports and we have three main objectives:

- Walk in the footprints of modern precursors (JB Keller, TB Benjamin) and show that sports do entangle a large number of physical concepts which can be used to optimise performance.

- While applying the physical laws to this new domain, we expect that new questions or coupling will arise, and that new representations of physical phenomena will be proposed.

- Finally, a side product of this colloquium is to show that sports can be an important vector for the presentation of advanced physical concepts. As a striking example, the quantum tunnel effect which is illustrated in figure 1 where the jumper passes over the bar despite the fact that his centre of mass always remains below the bar.

In order to make links and establish the generic laws in different sports, the colloquium is structured in six Physics domains: Ballistics, Elasticity, Friction, Statistical physics, Waves & Fluids and Biomechanics. Each domain is detailed below and associated with invited speakers.