550Multi-physical couplings in solid polymers: experiments and modeling


1 July 2013 – 5 July 2013


Poitiers, France


Dr. Sylvie Castagnet
Institut Prime
Department of Physics and Mechanics of Materials
ENSMA, 1 Avenue Clement Ader, BP 40109
86961 Futuroscope cedex

phone: +33 549 498 226
fax: +33 549 498 238
email: sylvie.castagnet@ensma.fr


 Prof. Alexander Lion
Institute of Mechanics
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Universität der Bundeswehr Munich
Werner Heisenberg Weg 30
85579 Neubiberg

phone: +49 089 6004 2494
fax: +49 089 6004 2386
email: alexander.lion@unibw.de

 Interactions between polymers and their surrounding environment or exposure to external fields may influence the mechanical material properties, lead to damage evolution or provoke degradation processes. Strong couplings, multiple time scales and pronounced gradients make the experimental characterization, the constitutive representation and the numerical simulation of these phenomena to big challenges.
This colloquium aims to crosslink different approaches. To this end, (i) thermo-mechanical couplings, (ii) liquid or gas diffusion and (iii) associated chemical reactions are discussed.
Electro-magneto-mechanical couplings will also be addressed to enlarge the scientific discussion about current challenges for both the understanding and the modelling of the multiphysics in solid polymers. The colloquium will focus on unreinforced polymers. Special interest will be paid on fully-coupled approaches.