563Generalized Continua and their application to the design of composites and metamaterials


17 March 2014 – 21 March 2014


Cisterna di Latina (Rome), Italy


 Prof. Francesco dell’Isola
Università di Roma La Sapienza
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica
Via Eudossiana 18
00184 Rome, Italy

phone: +39 06 90286784
email: francesco.dellisola@uniroma1.it


 Prof. Samuel Forest
Centre des Matériaux - MINES Paristech
10 rue Henri Desbruères, BP 87
F-91003 Evry Cedex, France

phone: +33 01 6076 3051
fax: +33 01 6076 3150
email: samuel.forest@mines-paristech.fr

Main Topics :

  • General concepts for second and higher gradient media
  • Phenomenology of existing and designed composites and metamaterials
  • Homogenization techniques and related numerical and mathematical problems
  • Beams and plates constituted by metamaterials
  • Strain and stress localization phenomena
  • Dynamic behavior of metamaterials and composites
  • Acoustic properties of metamaterials and composites
  • Generalized continua in Biomechanics and mechanics of growing tissues
  • Damage and fracture in generalized continua