566 – Anisotropic particles in turbulence
Prof. Helge I. Andersson
Department of Energy and Process Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
7491 Trondheim, Norway
phone: (+47) 73 59 35 56
fax: (+47) 73 59 34 91
email: helge.i.andersson@ntnu.no
Prof. Alfredo Soldati
Dipartimento di Energetica e Macchine
Universita di Udine
Udine 33100, Italy
email: soldati@uniud.it
Dilute or dense suspensions of anisotropic (i.e. non-spherical) particles are encountered almost everywhere; e.g. aerosols in the atmosphere, microorganisms in the ocean, sediments in coastal areas and fiords, and wood fibers in the pulp and paper industry. The scope of the colloquium includes both studies and modelling of the behaviour of anistropic particles in turbulent flow fields, as well as the accompanying modulation of the turbulence field. The anisotropic particles can either be plate-like (e.g. flakes) or rod-like (e.g. fibers). The focus will be on generic aspects of particulate flows by means of computer simulations, laboratory or field measurements, or mathematical modelling. Topics included are particle motion in homogeneous or wall-turbulence; effects of particle shape and mass on particle orientations and distributions; particle-particle and particle-wall collisions; fluid-particle interactions; sedimentation of anisotropic particles; rheology of suspensions of anisotropic particles.