– Granular Patterns in Oscillatory Flows
Marco Mazzuoli
Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
University of Genoa
Via Montallegro 1
16145 Genoa
email: marco.mazzuoli@unige.it
Markus Uhlmann
Institute for Hydromechanics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Kaiserstrasse 12
76131 Karlsruhe
email: markus.uhlmann@kit.edu
Oscillatory flows are prototypes of accelerating flows which can induce complex motion of sediment
grains. Some striking phenomena are the formation of sedimentary patterns in coastal environments,
the acoustic streaming, the granular segregation, the assembly of motile bacteria due to their collective
motion. Contributions concerning physical, geomorphological, chemical and biological aspects related to the mechanics of particulate oscillatory flows are welcome. The colloquium will highlight the advances in our understanding through recent numerical and experimental techniques, which will hopefully be further spurred by cross-fertilization among different scientific communities.