649Metamaterials and Architected Materials for Novel Energy Harvesting Solutions


7 May 2024 – 9 May 2024


Imperial College London, London, UK




Jacopo Maria De Ponti
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133, Milano, Italy

Email: jacopomaria.deponti@polimi.it


Gregory James Chaplain
Electromagnetic and Acoustic Materials Group
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Exeter
Exeter EX4 4QL, United Kingdom

Richard Vaughan Craster
Department of Mathematics
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

Andrea Colombi
ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering
Gertrudstrasse 15
8401 Winterthur, Switzerland


Present energy harvesting solutions, based on metamaterials, have been proposed by the scientific community with the vast majority remaining at the proof-of-concept level, without incorporating realistic design conditions. At this colloquium we aim to bring together world-leading, complementary expertise in the theory, simulation, manufacturing, and experimental realisation of metamaterials and architected materials to define novel energy harvesting solutions for next-generation self-powered sensors. Such a colloquium would sow the seeds for a new global network between applied mathematics, physics, and engineering to address specific issues related to vibration-based energy harvesting for Internet of Things (IOT) sensors.

Statistics of 42 participants